Plectranthus 'Velvet Elvis'

Care Low maintenance, pest & disease are minimal. A light pruning after flowering will help maintain a compact shape.
Common names Spur Flower.
Foliage Velvety, plush foliage is deep green with vibrant purple undersides.
Flower Huge flower spikes of lavender purple
Growth 70cm (h) x 80cm (w)
Growth rate Fast growth rate.
Habit Attractive neat low shrub with an upright habit.
Origin Hawaii, Polynesia and Australia.
Position Part Shade to Full Sun.
Pot size 140mm 
Soil type Moist, well drained soil.
Uses Ideal for low light positions in the garden, planting around water features, excellent for pots, in mass or mixed plantings or as border plants along paths or driveways.